8-10chestnut mushroomsGOD FORBID you use British White
1x 400g tin of Pennsylvania's finest Heinz baked beans
4slicesmighty white bread
Neutral cooking oilfor frying
Extra virgin olive oila splash (for fried bread)
Freshly ground black pepperOH FFS!
Pre-heat the oven to 220C/Fan 200C/Gas 7.
Add a drizzle of neutral oil to a large frying pan and heat until shimmering. Prick the sausages with a fork, skewer, or cocktail stick and add to the pan. Fry over medium-high heat, turning often, until all sides are golden brown. This should take up to 5 minutes.
Once browned, transfer the sausages to an oven tray or roasting dish and place in the oven to finish cooking. Cook for 15-20 minutes until they reach your preferred level of ‘doneness’. Check the sausages and turn at least once while in the oven.
In the pan used to sear the sausages, add the black pudding and cook over a low-medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
In a separate pan (ideally a cast iron skillet), add the bacon and cook over a very low heat to render the fat. Turn often.
After 2-3 minutes, turn the black pudding over and also add the tomatoes to the pan, cut-side down. Season with salt and pepper.
Once the bacon has been cooking for 2-3 minutes, increase the heat and cook to your desired level of crispiness. Once cooked, drain on a sheet of kitchen roll.
While the bacon is finishing, add the baked beans to a small saucepan, season with salt, and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until the sauce thickens.
In another small saucepan, heat a drizzle of neutral cooking oil until shimmering and add the chopped mushrooms along with a generous pinch of salt. Cook over a high heat, stirring often.
Once the bacon is cooked, fry the hash browns in the rendered bacon fat for 3-4 minutes on each side, until golden.
While the hash browns are frying, remove the black pudding and tomato from the pan and drain with the bacon. Crack the eggs into the pan and cook slowly, basting occasionally to help the top layer of the egg cook.
When the hash browns are cooked, remove from the pan, drain and add a generous glug of extra virgin olive oil to the pan, heat for a few moments, then add two slices of bread, cut into triangular halves, and fry for 1-2 minutes until golden on both sides. While the bread is frying (in batches, if need be) toast the rest of the bread.
Remove the sausages from the oven and plate alongside the bacon, black pudding, tomato, and egg. Then use the mushrooms and hash browns as a slight border to separate the beans from the egg, if desired.