Prices and Markets

Empiric buys Southampton’s Emily Davies Hall

Empiric buys Southampton's Emily Davies Hall - Empiric Student Property has acquired the freehold of a 240 bed student accommodation property in Southampton, the Emily Davies Halls of Residence, for GBP10.6 million (excluding costs). The property comprises affordable student accommodation configured in three and four bed apartments with 65 commercially let car parking spaces. The property is fully occupied and leased by Southampton Solent University on a full repairing and insuring basis until September 2019 with the rent subject to...

QuotedData investment companies roundup – February 2018

QuotedData investment companies roundup – February 2018 – is our latest roundup of news; price, NAV and discount movements; flows in and out of the sector and report on full year dividends announced over the month of January 2018. Kindly sponsored by Baillie Gifford. February Investment Companies Roundup The oil price was up again over the month and this helped propel EF Realisation (whose largest asset is a US shale oil company) to the top of the tables. Fast Forward Innovations rose...

QuotedData’s economic round up – February 2018

QuotedData’s economic round up – February 2018 is a collation of recent insights on markets and economies taken from the comments made by chairmen and investment managers of investment companies – have a read and make your own minds up. Please remember that nothing in this note is designed to encourage you to buy or sell any of the companies mentioned. Kindly sponsored by Martin Currie February Economic and Political Roundup Roundup The major factors at play over January were a weak...

RIT Capital Partners – Healthy absolute return with less risk

RIT Capital Partners - Healthy absolute return with less risk - RIT Capital Partners (RIT) has established a strong track record over many decades. Over the last five years, its share price total return has almost doubled and it has returned to trading at a premium. RITs investment style emphasises long-term thinking and the avoidance of permanent capital losses. In recent years, RIT has allocated capital away from equities towards uncorrelated strategies (ones whose price movements are not aligned with...

Hansteen sell IMPT portfolio to Warehouse REIT

Hansteen sell IMPT portfolio to Warehouse REIT - Hansteen has agreed to dispose of the Industrial Multi Property Trust (IMPT) portfolio for GBP116 million to an entity owned by Warehouse REIT. Hansteen acquired the portfolio through its successful offer for IMPT which was declared wholly unconditional on 25 April 2017. The portfolio consists of 51 UK multi-let properties offering c.500 leasable units with a total floor area of approximately 1.65 million sq ft and a passing rent roll of GBP8.0 million per...

JPMorgan Multi-Asset Trust – Long-term return objective of 6% per annum

JPMorgan Multi-Asset Trust - Long-term return objective of 6% per annum JPMorgan Multi-Asset Trust (MATE) is a new investment company that will invest across a range of different asset classes. It will aim to achieve a total return of 6% per annum, over the long term, through a combination of income and capital growth. It will seek to achieve these target returns whilst maintaining lower levels of volatility than a traditional equity portfolio. At 31 December 2017, JPMorgan Asset Management...

Templeton loses Carlos Hardenberg

Templeton loses Carlos Hardenberg - Templeton Emerging Markets Investment Trust says that, with immediate effect, Mr. Chetan Sehgal, senior managing director, director of portfolio management overseeing the global emerging markets strategy at Franklin Templeton, has been appointed lead portfolio manager of Templeton Emerging Markets. They say that he will be further supported by an experienced team of over 80 dedicated emerging markets investment professionals located across 20 offices around the world. On 31 January 2018, Mr. Carlos Hardenberg gave notice...

India Capital Growth – Moving to the main board

QuotedData has published a note on a company in the Country Specialists – Asia Pacific sector. India Capital Growth - Moving to the main board India Capital Growth (IGC) moved to the premium listing segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market on 24 January 2018. The board considers that this market is more appropriate for a fund of IGC’s size and maturity, and provides a more suitable platform for its growth ambitions. It also believes that the move allows...

QuotedData – 2017 review of the year

QuotedData - 2017 review of the year - Many commentators, including us, were wary going into 2017. In the event, economic growth and markets surprised on the upside:  US markets hit new highs despite three interest rate rises.  Perceived low/no growth areas such as Europe and Japan burst into life.  Asia’s technology stocks surged.  India’s stock market soared despite tax reforms holding back its economy.  Even in the UK, where overseas investors are still eyeing Brexit nervously, smaller companies rebounded...

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