Depraved university boffin facing life in jail after being unmasked as one of Britain’s worst sex offenders

Britain's worst sex offender made his victims eat dog food naked, put clothes pegs on their nipples and write "I am a slut" in lipstick on their bodies, a court heard. Depraved university academic Dr Matthew Falder, 29, blackmailed vulnerable teenage girls before sharing twisted "hurt core" abuse images on the dark web. He is due to be sentenced this week at Birmingham Crown Court as one of the most prolific sex offenders in British legal history. The Cambridge University...

Cruel skinhead banned from keeping dogs for life after beating friend’s bulldog with a plank

A cruel skinhead has been banned from keeping dogs for life after he used a plank of wood to batter his friend's bulldog. Laurence Skelson, 63, used wood, a mop and a shovel to whack and intimidate adorable Boston, whom he was looking after for a friend. A horrified neighbour filmed Skelson holding a mop and a plank of wood high above the bulldog before jabbing and hitting Boston, who was cowering on the floor in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex. The...

Not in the festive spirit! Man fined for helping homeless person on Xmas Day

A kind hearted man who stopped his car at a bus stop on xmas day to help someone sleeping rough was slapped with a fine by the council.  Lee Williamson, of Evington, Leicester, said he stopped to give a homeless man a blanket, hat, gloves, scarf, food, and chat to him. He later received a £70 fine, despite there being no buses on December 25. He has no plans to pay the fine and is willing to go to court...

WATCH: Bungling burglars caught on CCTV try to hide crime by stealing cameras

Two bungling burglars who were caught on crystal clear CCTV ransacking an elderly woman’s home tried to cover their tracks by stealing the cameras. The thieves were caught on secret cameras which were rigged up in the 83-year-old victim’s home. The pair broke in by smashing open a key box at the front of the property before letting themselves in and telling the woman they were from the gas board. CCTV still of intruders caught on hi-tech security cameras raiding...

Couple furious after cafe refuses to let them buy coffee for homeless man

A couple have slammed a cafe after they refused to sell them a coffee for a homeless man who was sat outside. Lindsey Winson and Stuart Henderson went for breakfast at Argo Lounge in Peterborough, Cambs, at around 9.45am on Friday. On her way to the toilet, Lindsey, 31, spotted a homeless man sitting outside under an arcade and went to talk to him. After giving some money to the man, aged in his 20s, she went inside and asked...

Sex attacker violently raped woman with learning difficulties in front of bed-bound husband

A sex attacker who violently raped a woman in front of her bed-bound husband has been jailed for 18 years. Graham Smith assaulted the vulnerable woman during the "cruel and shameless" prolonged attack after forcing his way into their flat. Heather Gilmore, prosecuting, said homeless Smith was heavily drunk when he committed the offences. The court heard the couple had learning difficulties and the husband was bed-bound as he had a number of health problems. Smith was filmed by CCTV...

Outrage after Northamptonshire Police splashes out £12,000 on gold leaf art work

A cash-strapped police force has been blasted for splashing out £12,000 of taxpayers' money on a GOLD artwork – that will only be seen by cops and criminals. Northamptonshire Police forked out on the flashy installation that features dozens of gold leaves covering the wall of the lobby of its new HQ. But the force performed a U-turn on the move and decided to remain in their current home in Wootton Hall, Northampton. The gold leaves are now emblazoned on...

Teen Jailed After Bursting Into Woman’s Home And Raping Her At Gunpoint With Her Father In The House

A teenage boy who raped a young woman at gunpoint after breaking into her home has been jailed for 15 years. Aquib Ahmed, 19, knocked at a window of his victim's home in the early hours of April 1 last year, a court heard. When she opened the window Ahmed, then aged 18, burst into the property and pointed a gun at his victim's father - telling him to go and lie on his bed. Sheffield Crown Court, South Yorks.,...

Paedophile becomes first to be jailed again after being caught by the same paedo hunters – for a SECOND time

A pervert has been jailed for a second time after he was caught - by the same group of paedophile hunters. Sick Nathan Watson, 44, tried to lure a 'decoy' he thought was an 11-year-old girl with online messages in 2016. He was jailed for 14 months after the sting by 'Internet Interceptors'. Watson was released after seven months and started messaging girls he thought were 13 and NINE. But a 'hunter' from the same group confronted him on his...

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