Revolutionise your workout with Speedflex

By Steve Taggart

Year after year new fitness crazes emerge, each full of promise to keep you motivated and fit, but unfortunately very few ever really end up fulfilling these hopes. Whilst 2013 was dominated by dance fusion classes such as Zumba and Pure Barre, 2014 is undoubtedly the year of HIIT. HIIT training is effectively a workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less intense activity, or rest. Its popularity is derived from its ability to burn more fat and build more muscle in a much shorter time frame than conventional forms of exercise, and it’s proving an increasingly popular way to work out as it really does works.

Speedflex is the new from HIIT training; and has already received an overwhelming reception from the masses. It is good, old-fashioned circuit training with a difference, consisting of a combination of cardiovascular and resistance training. However, what really sets it apart from other HIIT classes is that it features unique hydraulic machinery which has been dubbed as the next generation of gym equipment.

There are seven weight-free, hydraulic machines that make up the circuit. These machines respond to and create resistance levels based on how much force you put into them. This ensures it caters to people of all fitness levels, with each machine tailoring the workout to the strength of the participant. This aspect of the machinery also means that you won’t be left feeling sore the morning after your workout, and allows group sessions involving individuals with varying levels of fitness to take place whilst allowing partakers to work at their own pace.

Suitable for participants of all ages and abilities, Speedflex promises to burn up to 800 calories in just half an hour! To keep you motivated throughout the workout each participant is given a state-of-the-art heart monitor which calculates heart rate to ensure you’re working out in the right ‘zone’ as well as the number of calories burned. These are displayed on screens around the room, creating a competitive environment. But if that isn’t enough to motivate you, there are also expert trainers on hand to push you to your limits.

All in all the benefits of taking these classes are many, as well as burning a high number of calories the machinery is also designed to prevent muscle tearing, strengthen as opposed to bulk, lower blood pressure and improve both flexibility and power. It really is the future of high intensity, low impact workouts.

Since its launch last year, it has acquired a wide range of followers from elite athletes and Paralympian champions to everyday professionals and busy working mums. Celebrity fans include Alan Shearer and sports TV presenter Ben Shepherd.

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Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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