Categories: Travel

What happens to your travel insurance if your trip is cancelled?

A number of people travel for specific events – a family reunion, a wedding, a sports event, a music festival – the list goes on and on. Plans and reservations are made well in advance and we look forward to that trip.

Sadly, sudden emergencies can lead to you have to cancel that trip. This means that all the money you spent on booking that trip is wasted. Well, this is where Event Cancellation Insurance can help you.

What is Event Cancellation Insurance?

If your entire trip has been arranged to attend a special event such as a music, entertainment, film or religious festival, a sports event, a concert or a ceremony such as a wedding or civil partnership, then you can top up your travel insurance with Event Cancellation Insurance.

What is Covered?

Under the Event Cancellation Insurance, you can get the follow cover:

  • The Cancellation or Curtailment of unused event tickets before your departure
  • The Cancellation or Curtailment of travel costs and accommodation after you arrive at your destination

However, this cover is only applicable if your entire trip is solely to attend this event and you have already paid the additional premium.

When Can You Claim Event Cancellation Insurance?

Here is a list of conditions that you need to meet for you to claim Event Cancellation insurance:

  • The event is cancelled or curtailed because of reasons that were completely out of your control
  • The cancellation or curtailment was not due to any action on your part
  • The event is cancelled or postponed to after the return dates that you pre-booked and you have confirmation of these changes in plans in writing from either the organisers of this event, its promoters or other officials.

What Does Your Event Cancellation Insurance cover?

By getting the Event Cancellation cover, you claim the following:

  • The amount on your travel schedule that was used for irrevocable and unused travel
  • The money your spent on your accommodation, but excluding extra excursions that you may have added on
  • The cost of the tickets for the special events
  • Other charges that you had already paid
  • Additional travel costs you were forced to incur because the event was cancelled by the organizers
  • If you have already started your journey to the event, and the event is cancelled or postponed to after your return date, then you will get back a part of your travel costs and the cost of up to 7 days of accommodation

What is Not Covered

  • If the event is postponed but is still to take place before your return date, then you cannot claim this insurance
  • If less than 50% of the event is cancelled
  • If you can recover the money you spent from your travel agent, tour operator or the organiser of the event
  • If you are expected to be compensated or reimbursed for this trip

An event cancellation is one of those unforeseen situations that are totally beyond our control.  It’s a good thing that some of travel insurance companies have thought of this and offers an addendum to the standard policy.

Sarah Smith

Sarah is a writer and guest blogger. Her work is regularly published in the national press and on many popular websites and blogs, including Huff Post and TheLondonEconomic.

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