
Sweden lists entire country on Airbnb

Sweden has listed the entire country on Airbnb in celebration of its freedom to roam principle (or Allemansrätten) which gives people the right to freely explore all public spaces across the country.

From a rustic retreat in a historic and mysterious forest in western Värmland to fishing in the pools of the rugged cliffs of Sandön, there are countless fascinating spots to explore freely throughout the Scandinavian nation.

And the best part is – you don’t have to officially book accommodation because all publicly owned land is entirely free and accessible to everyone!

Every lake is your infinity pool, every mountaintop your granite terrace, every meadow becomes a garden and every forest a pantry filled with mushrooms and berries.

Feel free to take a morning jog or bike ride across open fields or trek through challenging mountain terrain. Should you want an upgrade, you do not need to ask anyone, just find the best location that suits you and your mood.

“This is made possible thanks to a Swedish right guaranteed by the constitution – freedom to roam. This right enables the Swedish people to experience nature and enjoy the beautiful Swedish wildlife. In Sweden we have everything from high mountains to deep forests, from beautiful archipelagos to quiet meadows. Now, together with Airbnb, we welcome everyone to Sweden and, through freedom to roam, they can share our wonderful nature”, says Jenny Kaiser, USA Country Manager at Visit Sweden.

Freedom to roam allows everyone and anyone to be free amidst Swedish nature with the right to access, walk, cycle or camp on any land. Only private gardens and lands under cultivation are an exception to the rule. The idea of free nature accessible to anyone is in the DNA of every Swede, but with great freedom comes responsibility. The general rule for spending time in nature is “do not disturb, do not destroy” – just like in any other home.

“We are very excited to welcome Sweden on Airbnb for everyone to explore. This partnership is a first of its kind collaboration between a tourism board and Airbnb. It is designed to promote Sweden as a destination through the power of the Airbnb community which is perfectly placed to showcase the many extraordinary locations to stay throughout the country.” says James McClure, General Manager Northern Europe at Airbnb.


Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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