'Travel tales with...' is a new regular slot that aims to inspire those TLE readers who dream to travel more. Each month we will encourage interviewees (ranging from explorers, actors and photographers, scientists and politicians) to open up about everything from their fondest childhood holiday memories, to intimate personal encounters with strangers around the world. And, ultimately, share with us their untold travel stories. Our first interviewee is 36-year-old explorer and journalist, Levison Wood, best known for his Channel 4...
If you've ever dreamed of living the high life - in all senses of the word - step this way. We've tracked down the first pics of a South African architectural masterpiece - the type you imagine will be used in film scenes depicting uber-rich movie stars. It's Pengilly House, with the heart of Nettleton Ridge in Cape Town, which overlooks views of Clifton beaches, the 12 Apostles mountain range and the Atlantic Ocean beyond. But never mind what's outside...
easyJet has started adding Austrian flags to its fleet as it makes the shift to Vienna. The low-cost airline recently announced that it is planning to register 130 aircraft to fly under the new easyJet Europe banner in order to offset negative Brexit effects. That means some 40 per cent of its entire fleet will now carry the Austrian emblem. With a year to go until Britain leaves the European Union easyjet had already transferred half of its UK-registered Airbus...
In a world dominated by celebrities, beauty bloggers and gaming fanatics wilderness vloggers are becoming a surprise sensation on YouTube, offering harmony and escapism to viewers overrun by modern struggles. From the Canadian bush to rural villages in Cambodia videos featuring bushcraft, primitive technology and survival techniques are proving stiff competition for many conventional channels, often garnering millions of views. The growth is an evolution of popular adventure programmes on TV and mirrors a boom in film releases such as...
Ryainair is set to charge £6 for pull-along suitcases from November in a shake-up of its cabin rules. The low cost airline will only allow passengers to take on “small personal bag” into the cabin for free, which will be required to fit under the seat in front. A charge of £10 will still apply if passengers want to check a 10kg bag into the hold, and £25 for larger bags. The new rules have been brought in to "speed...
Eilean Nan Gabhar, which translates as Island of the Goats, has now been placed on the market for one lucky adventurer looking to get away from a busy city.
Millions of Brits struggle with basic geography knowledge - with more than one in five unaware Europe is a continent, a study has found. Researchers found two thirds have no idea the world is made up of seven land masses, with one in four wrongly believing there are only five. And three per cent - or the equivalent of 1.5m people - even think Great Britain is its own continent. Another one in four don’t know Antarctica is home to...
If there’s only one thing more exciting than jetting off to the paradise Caribbean island of St Lucia, it’s heading there during Jazz Festival week in May. As visitors go through immigration at the airport, they’re invited to get a festival stamp, such is its level of prominence on the island. Now in its 27th year, it’s become one of the biggest events on its calendar, and earned a global reputation. Among musicians, it’s the one they aim for, not...
Essex police removed two passengers from a flight at Stansted this morning
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