
Top 5 Brand Building Tips for New Entrepreneurs

Starting a business is not a child’s play! It takes a lot of effort, patience and courage to build your brand. It is important to focus on the details and seek inspiration from others. Here are top 5 brand building tips that every new entrepreneur must follow by heart:

1- Produce Value and Create Your Own Unique Identity

A brand is build by word of mouth marketing and people will say positive about your brand only if you are able to deliver real value from your products or services.

Moreover, you must have your own unique identity that should be able to distinguish your brand from your competitors. Here are some really useful pointers that you must keep in your mind:

  • Be authentic and have a unique brand voice. Also, make sure to have a strong USP.
  • Create a logo that makes it easier for the people to remember your brand.
  • Make sure your product or service is extremely useful and usable. Users should be able to achieve their goals with the help of your product or service.
  • Make your product or service more desirable than your competitors. Leverage the power of virtual reality for brand storytelling. VR advertising is the next level storytelling which you can leverage to easily beat your competitors.
  • Understand your target audience and create personas that exactly matches the intent.
  • Adopt a strong visual language that reflects your brand values.

2- Transform Your Employees Into Brand Ambassadors

Your employees are your best brand advocates. Make use of the below ways to transform your employees into brand ambassadors:

  • Communicate your brand vision with your employees and make sure that each of your employee understands the value that you are providing to your customers.
  • Create an internal content hub using an employee advocacy program. This will help you to build a well informed and influential workforce.
  • Encourage your employees to tweet, share and like your company’s page and content.
  • Create a contest and reward employees who are able to get the maximum shares.
  • Respect your employees and encourage them to speak in their own voice.

3- Offer An Impressive User Experience

User experience is critical for the success of your brand. Creating great user experiences will allow the prospects to easily engage with your brand thereby leading to maximum customer retention. Here are some great ways to improve the overall user experience for your brand:

  • In order to offer a smooth user experience, your website should be responsive and mobile friendly. Speed up your website as slow websites are a big turn off for the people. Eliminate render blocking javascript and css in above the fold content as this will drastically improve the loading speed of your site.
  • Make sure your brand is present at each of the micro moments that users go through during their purchase journey.
  • Take regular feedback from your customers in order to identify the potential issues and take every step to fix them.
  • A finding from WooRank suggests that 18% of backlinks provide users with a poor link experience. Make sure to offer a smooth link experience to the users by regularly monitoring your site with the help of the Search Console.
  • Make it easier for people to navigate your website and take actions.
  • Get rid of unnecessary pop ups and create AMP pages to make it easy for the customer to browse your website on mobile.

4- Use Content Marketing To Your Advantage

Content marketing is a great way to take your branding to the next level without spending a lot of money. Follow the below tips to amplify your content marketing efforts in order to generate higher conversions:

  • Create relevant content that can get you higher domain authority and achieve higher organic rankings.
  • Take the help of guest posting to create content for high authority sites in order to gain relevant referral traffic.
  • Create content that can get your brand in the news. Here are some great ways to create newsworthy content for your brand.
  • Publish at least 2 blog posts a month as companies which publishes blog posts regularly are able to drive more traffic to their site.
  • Build brand awareness by creating content that specifically targets your prospects.
  • Use the power of LinkedIn and publish content on Pulse. This will allow your brand to get more B2B prospects.
  • Create content that educates your customers and publish your content on a variety of formats like text, images, audio and video.

5- Take The Help of Facebook Marketing

Facebook is here to stay longer and even Google is unable to beat it. Facebook can serve as one of the best platforms to build your brand. The average user spends around 50 minutes on Facebook and this is where you can maximize your opportunity to connect with more prospects.

Facebook marketing can help you to generate some easy leads for your business. Make sure to improve your Facebook relevance score as this can reduce your spending and improve your ROI.


Building a brand takes both time and effort. It is important that you adopt the right strategies and invest your money in the right channels in order to build a brand that your audience will love and respect. Make use of the above suggested brand building tips and gather a loyal following for your brand.

Joydeep Bhattacharya

Joydeep Bhattacharya is a digital marketing evangelist and covers articles on business, technology, and latest apps. He is a certified Google Analytics expert and has over a decade of experience in online marketing.

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