Dawn Ellmore Employment analyses BlackBerry’s battle with Twitter over patent infringement

One year after going after Facebook for violating messaging patents, BlackBerry is suing Twitter for patent infringement. In what could be a significant lawsuit, BlackBerry accuses Twitter of infringing on its intellectual property (IP) and has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against the social network giant. Basis of Blackberry’s patent infringement case The lawsuit is BlackBerry Ltd v Twitter Inc, US District Court, Central District of California, No. 19-01444. It says that Twitter is co-opting BlackBerry’s inventions as the former...

AJ Abdallat of Beyond Limits Sees AI as the Future of Energy

Some see AI as a substitute for human achievement and some view it as a tool to help people produce their best work. Beyond Limits CEO, AJ Abdallat, holds the latter view. “AI is a tool that no forward-thinking business can afford to ignore,” Abdallat stated. “In the future, humans will be working with AI to invent and improve products, processes and procedures.” In 2017, a similar point of view prompted BP Ventures, the technology investment arm of British Petroleum,...

How AI Is Influencing SEO for A Better Search Engine Experience

What do you think is the average search numbers for Google per day? Can’t think of a number, right? Well, the number is in the billions but what is more amazing is the accuracy of those searches. People are getting exactly what they are looking for in a split second. There were times when search engines provided related information but with the introduction of artificial intelligence in the SEO industry, the searches have become more streamlined and accurate than ever....

DisrupTIVE or DisrupTED: Five Types Of Disruptive Technology That’s Changing Our World

Ever wonder what “disruptive technology” means?  If you’ve read a business column or tech magazine in the past few years, you’ve no doubt heard the term. The status quo has its roots in keeping things as they are without rocking the boat too much. Disruptive technology, on the other hand, enters the arena without a care in the world for the status quo. It enters the room with a devilish grin knowing that it will shake apart entire industries, or...

What is outsourcing?

The term outsourcing has been frequently used and heard in the business world, more companies embracing the concept to get ahead and maintain operations effective and simplified.  Actually concluding whether an outsourced approach towards different processes that are required by your business would be an advantageous choice demands from you a thorough understanding of the subject. The following details will make things a bit clear for you, allowing you to fully grasp what outsourcing stands for and what it can...

Professional Video Editing in the Comfort of your own home

Do you have the pro-gears to make amazing videos? If your only limitation to make your own videos is the lack of a proper gear, this article is what you been looking for. In here, you will find some excellent tips and tricks that will help you make professional videos from the comfort of your home. To begin, all you need to create videos is a webcam or mobile phone. You may be astonished to hear that most successful YouTubers,...

Your Website as a Resume

We would all like our websites to become the next Amazon, but until that happens, our websites can still fill a valuable role. Regardless of what kind of site you have, it can provide a secondary purpose. Your primary purpose may be to sell your product, create a platform or provide a service, but it has a secondary value: it is an expression of who you are. When you understand this, you can use your domain name as a way...

AI set to transform dentistry

Set to permeate all fields of healthcare and already doing so in many, artificial intelligence (AI) is now being embraced by the world of dentistry, which has recognised it as the powerful and progressive technology that it is. Indeed, it is very much an obligation of the healthcare industry as a whole to keep up with such developments and implement them in any way that will assist in improving lives. Beyond the electric toothbrush AI won’t merely transform the practice...

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