To provide a better picture of how AI is currently being used on both the good and the bad sides of cybersecurity, Online AI specialists Yoono will be discussing what to look out for and how to protect yourselves and your business.
Brexit has resulted in various policies and protocols that are complications and troublesome situations for affected parties, most notably the Northern Ireland Protocol.
Regular maintenance of your air conditioner helps keep it running efficiently and reduces energy costs. Below we look at some tips to help you save energy.
Computers began their evolutionary journey in the early 19th century. After years of technological improvements, computers became prevalent devices capable of solving complex computations.
Brijesh Thoppil, Director of Strategic Partnerships at EOS Data Analytics, talks about the role of satellite analytics in introducing sustainable agriculture practices.
It is official. Streaming services have seen record growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, with social distancing and work-from-home becoming part of our daily lives. We take a closer look at how habits have changed.
Metals are electricity conductors and putting them into live sockets can lead to electric shocks and fires.
If you’ve recently started struggling to get the WhatsApp app working on your phone, there are various possible culprits. Perhaps the WhatsApp servers are currently down, you are using a faulty internet connection or your device is low on onboard storage.
Today we publish an interview with Konstantin Ivanov, a foreign specialist and one of the most well-known engineers and managers in the Russian power industry. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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