
How Businesses Can Grow Instagram Follows and Likes

In today’s digital age, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms for businesses. With over 2 billion active users, it is clearly a great way to connect with both current and potential customers. 

However, with so much competition on the platform, it can of course be difficult to get your business noticed. Not only is there a lot of competition for attention, but commercial type posts can be a real turn-of for users if not presented in an engaging way. Don’t worry though, we’ve spoken to Superviral, who have set out the top methods for growing your Instagram following.

As any top influencer will tell you, growing the number of followers and likes on a page is not only vital for expanding your reach; it’s also an important method of validation. In other words, any potential customer visiting your page will take confidence from the fact that you have hundreds or thousands of other followers. Furthermore, there is a snowball effect whereby potential users are more likely to follow accounts that already have a strong following.

Companies like Superviral aren’t only experts in achieving huge followings for businesses and influencers, but they also have some pretty impressive shortcuts to getting there.

Grow your Instagram following and likes

Here are Supervirals top tips if you’re looking to grow your Instagram following and likes::

1. Post high-quality content

This is the most important factor in growing your Instagram following. People are more likely to follow and engage with accounts that post content that is interesting, relevant, and visually appealing.

Don’t fall into the trap of posting dry, businesslike, overtly promotional content. Similarly, if you aim to be an influencer, be genuine – don’t try to be wacky or fake. Users will see straight through it.

2. Post regularly

The more you post, the more likely people are to see your content. Try to post at least once a day, but no more than three times a day.

Most people don’t realise how much work it takes to post between one and three high-quality and engaging posts per day. Don’t underestimate the workload, but also don’t take shortcuts when it comes to producing your content.

3. Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to get your content seen by more people. Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags that are relevant to your business.

Never place irrelevant hashtags on your posts in order to try and piggyback off trending topics. Audiences will not thank you for it. Relevance is key here.

4. Engage with your followers

Take the time to like and comment on your followers’ posts. This will show them that you’re interested in what they have to say and encourage them to engage with your content.

It’s a simple fact of life that most people on Instagram want some love in the form of likes, comments and follows.  Usually they will really appreciate your efforts.

5. Run contests and giveaways

The most important consideration in marketing is… WIFM! Also known as ‘What’s in it for me’. Not the most catchy acronym, but it’s important nevertheless. Think about why your audience should bother to engage with you at all.

Contests and giveaways are a great way to generate excitement and engagement. Make sure your prizes are relevant to your target audience and that the rules are clearly stated.

6. Partner with influencers

Partnering with influencers can help you reach a wider audience and build credibility for your brand. Choose influencers who are relevant to your industry and have a strong following.

Using the right influencer can result in huge and relevant audiences discovering you or your brand.

7. Use Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a great way to share behind-the-scenes content and connect with your followers in a more personal way. In many cases you can repurpose content to serve up on Instagram Stories, but make sure you’re giving your followers something different.

8. Use Instagram Live

Instagram Live is a great way to connect with your followers in real time. You can use it to host Q&A sessions, give product demos, or just chat with your followers for a while.

You should start promoting your live event in plenty of time. There’s nothing worse than live streaming to only your mum and your mad uncle Paul.

9. Promote your Instagram account on other channels

Make sure to promote your Instagram account on your other social media channels, your website, and your email marketing.

In fact, linking your active social channels to your website is very good for SEO. It sends ‘social signals’ to Google to say ‘we’re here and we’re active’.

10. Use Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights is a great tool for understanding your audience and what’s working for your account. Use it to track your progress and make adjustments to your strategy.

11. Bonus Tip

The above tips are all things you should be doing in a regular and habitual way. However, there is a shortcut to turbo boosting your account. Companies like Superviral offer packages to boost your Instagram presence. Whether you’re seeking to purchase followers for your personal or brand account, they make the process effortless. It’s also extremely good value.

As discussed, growing the number of followers and likes on a page is not only vital for expanding your reach; it’s also an important method of validation. Potential followers visiting your page will take confidence that you have hundreds or thousands of other followers. 

Reach a wider audience on Instagram

By following these tips, you can grow your Instagram following and likes and reach a wider audience for your business.

I would also like to add that, unless you are taking the shortcut described above, it is important to be patient when it comes to growing your Instagram following. It takes time to build an engaged audience, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep posting great content, engaging with your followers, and using the right strategies, and you will eventually see results.

Ben Williams

Ben is a freelance writer and journalist who is a regular contributor on multiple national news websites and blogs.

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