Drunk driver who reversed into police car and then attacked two officers is jailed, Leyton
Have you noticed the hype around personalized number plates? It’s one of those trends everyone seems to be going head of over heels for. As much as they love their cars these days, it’s befitting that people seem to be opting for a unique and exclusive registration number that adds class to their vehicle. It not only brings an additional value to their automobile but also makes them stand out from the crowd. There are a number of reasons why...
Amazon Alexa users in the UK will be able to hear the voice of a trans man ahead of this year's International Transgender Day of Visibility on 31st March. The #VoiceOfTrans is launching to make trans issues a national talking point and apply pressure on the United Nations (UN) via a petition that listeners will be signposted to on change.org. There are 25 million transgender people in the world and their voices have long been ignored at best and, at worst, silenced....
Jannatul Bakya was with her father heading to prayers at a local mosque when she was struck by a vehicle in Smethwick, West Mids.
Lloyd Catering Equipment prides itself on delivering outstanding projects for some of the nation's largest restaurant brands. Providing innovative solutions for professional kitchen equipment and installing commercial kitchen equipment, the company is passionate about the industry it operates in. Utilising the latest of technologies to truly advanced the industry and what the company does, Lloyd's has now launched a VR (Virtual Reality) system which allows clients to explore what their physical installation will be like. This state-of-the-art technology delivers on...
Amateur photographer Wayne Lewis, 38, was driving when he saw the U.S Air force F15E 'Strike Eagle' Fighter jet so pulled over and grabbed his camera
Everyone has those cherished memories of our lives. All too often, those precious past memories are consigned to storage on media formats that are no longer widely used today or are fast disappearing. A classic example is VHS cassette tapes. Once every home had a VHS player and we watched everything from blockbuster movies to our wedding video and home movies of our kid’s first steps. A Window Into Our Past Now VHS has largely been consigned to the dustbin...
Mark Gibbons, 62, who had previously been convicted of stalking Dr Julia Woolgar, 62, mounted the pavement and collided into her - five days after he was issued with a restraining order
The super-expensive Huracan Performante is thought to be a write-off.
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