Four children aged 10 to 14 packed fishing rods in a parent’s car, left a farewell note then drove more than 600 miles down the Australian east coast before they were stopped the next day. Acting Police Inspector Darren Williams said on Monday the children were stopped by police near Grafton in New South Wales on Sunday, then locked the doors and refused to get out. He said a police officer used a baton to break a window of the...
The couple heading were heading to the British GP for a birthday celebration did not know their driver had no MOT, tax or insurance.
He was taken to Hinchingbrooke Hospital, in Huntingdon, Cambs., for a check after the incident which happened yesterday (14/7) in Manea, Cambs.,
The daring member of the public hopped inside after realising the marked vehicle had been left unattended in the car park of Krispy Kreme
In 2019, the gaming industries overall revenue, including gaming networks, mobile, download and online games, amounts to about £2.5 million.
Companies all around the world are investing in their future by funding end to end customer experience optimization because it positively affects their profit margin through organic growth by allowing customer interaction online and offline through a variety of channels.
Police detained the driver for further investigation after observing signs and symptoms of impairment.
Jennifer A. Janus Yeager, 49, was arrested on suspicion of two counts of endangering the health or life of a child and two counts of reckless conduct.
Volkswagen is halting production of the last version of its Beetle model this week at its plant in Puebla, Mexico. It is the end of the road for a vehicle that has symbolised many things over a history spanning the eight decades since 1938. The car has been a part of Germany’s darkest hours as a never-realised Nazi prestige project, and a symbol of Germany’s postwar economic renaissance and rising middle-class prosperity. VW Beetles are assembled in lines at the... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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