The incident happened in Fauldhouse, West Lothian, on Tuesday morning.
Fake Wi-Fi hotspots can appear to be reputable but allow cybercriminals to eavesdrop on users and steal usernames, passwords and bank details.
Jaden Ashman’s mother said she has not always been supportive of her son’s gaming.
Police tweeted pictures of the car after they spotted it on the A49 in Herefordshire
Police removed the inflatable, named Kevin, from the middle lane of the M27 in Fareham, Hants
If you've got a teenage son or daughter, you've probably heard of TikTok, even in the likely event that you've never used it yourself. Perhaps you've occasionally seen YouTube videos of teenagers giddily lip-syncing to popular songs while Snapchat-like filters and AR features decorate the scene. Such videos are indeed commonplace on TikTok, but a fair few myths have spread about this video-sharing social network, which Chinese company ByteDance launched as an app back in 2016. Here's a rundown of...
The car smashed into the Jones' garden, landing between a one-year-old and five-year-old, and their parents
Ten dealers were jailed for a total of more than 94 years for trafficking £1.4 million of Class A drugs
Joshua McKenzie was handed a nine month suspended sentence after admitting the offence. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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