Tech and Auto

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

22: Victorian London, Dizzy Eggs and an Abominable Snowman! Hello, dear reader! I hope you are well! Given you’re unable to ask, I shall simply confirm that I am also well, should you be curious. My adventures in Gameland this past week have taken me to some lovely places, so let’s get stuck in… On Friday, I was over at Ginx to host a live two-hour TV show about the latest Assassin’s Creed game, “Syndicate”, alongside the wonderful Holly Nielsen,...

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

21: Minecraft – Story Mode! (Wed 21st October 2015) Hello dear reader. As regulars to this dusty corner of the internet will be aware, I quite like Minecraft. I’ve even made a TV series about it - Wednesdays, 7.30pm, Ginx TV...sorry. Absolutely shameless. But, fear not! I’m not going to talk about Minecraft again this week. I’m going to talk about Minecraft: Story Mode. “How is that not talking about Minecraft?” you may well ask. Well, because it’s an entirely...

How Accurate was Back to the Future II?

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Next Wednesday, 21st October, is the day which Marty McFly and Doc Emmett travel to in Back to the Future II. We’ve looked at the film’s predictions for October 2015 and assessed how accurate they were. While Slamball is unfortunately still a long way off from reality, Litterbugs have arrived, and Power Laces and Hoverboards are very much in the pipeline. Check out this infographic to see how accurate the film actually is:

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

20: Big Day! (Wed 14th October 2015) Hello, dear reader! Today’s a big day for me, so please cross all the things you can cross for me immediately. Oh, go on. I’ll tell you a bit more about why in a minute but, first, I should tell you about some of my other Adventures In Gameland – it’s been a big week too! On Friday, I popped up on Sky News/Sky One tech show, “Swipe”, reviewing the week’s games before...

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

19: The Other Football (Wed 7th October 2015) Hello once again! As regular readers will know, last week I was banging on about American Football. This week, I’m going to be chatting about the other football (or “English Soccer” as I understand fans of the sport prefer it to be known) as I’ve been asked to review both FIFA 16 from EA Sports, and Konami’s Pro Evolution Soccer – better known as PES 2016. I’ve always had a strange relationship...

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

18: Football at Wembley (Wed 30th September 2015) Hello dear reader. Before we go any further, let me say a big thank you to those who came and said hi at EGX’s after-party last weekend – it’s reassuring to know that SOMEONE is reading this stuff and that it’s not universally hated. BIG. WIN. This week, I’m incredibly excited because I’m off to the football at Wembley. Not ‘proper’ football. I’m off to the ‘other’ ‘proper’ ‘football’. American Football. Miami...

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

17: All Change! (Wed 23rd September 2015) Well, what a difference a week makes, dear reader! The more astute amongst you will have noticed that this article has moved from a Friday to a Wednesday and there’s a very good reason for that. Well, there’s a reason for that. Whether you think it’s a good one or not is entirely in your hands. Basically, I’ve had to juggle my workload as a result of some lovely new projects I’m involved...

Superfast broadband: are you playing hard to get?

By Barney Lane, Colt Head of Regulation Why is it that the UK can’t seem to live in holy matrimony with superfast broadband? We (the networks) have done the dutiful thing; we’ve been adaptable to the demands for business connectivity, we’ve been open to embracing it into our homes and even convinced the government to support us financially with a connectivity scheme aimed at SMEs. And yet, for some reason it doesn’t seem ready to commit. Well, that isn’t entirely...

Britain, The Angriest Nation Of Drivers!

Vine star, Arthur, became an instant hit when he began uploading short videos of his outbursts on the road while driving his truck.  He received an overwhelming response from those that empathized with his road range, begging the question, are we all really that angry on the road? Well, A recent study found that the UK is angriest nation in Europe on the road! With the city of Lincoln named as the worst, with Nottingham being the calmest. While for...

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