Tech and Auto

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

29: In Praise Of King Rob Hello once again, dear reader – I hope you had a lovely weekend. Regular visitors to this dusty corner of the internet will remember that, last week, I told you I was off to Birmingham to perform our show, WiFi Wars and I’m delighted to report back that a lovely time was had. It was a special show for me and ‘King’ Rob for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we’ve never done a ‘full’ show...

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

28: Under-Rated Happy New Year, dear reader! Did you have a nice Christmas? Oh good/Oh dear (delete as appropriate). You’re probably all wondering what on earth to do with your January, games-wise, aren’t you? I mean, it’s a traditionally sparse time of year, what with developers choosing not to release any big titles, on the basis we all just blew our money on Baileys and dry meat. Still, you probably lost a few quid down the sofa when you passed...

Mark Zuckerberg to build AI butler to do housework

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Mark Zuckerberg has announced he will build an artificial intelligence (AI)  robot to assist around the house and even help with his work. In a Facebook post he wrote: "You can think of it kind of like Jarvis in Iron Man.” The butler’s initial goals will include controlling music, lights and temperature, to recognise when friends are at the front door and to alert him if his newborn daughter needs attention. Mark plans to build...

These ARE The Droids You are Looking For

It’s Christmas time and as usual this year’s must-have toys are mostly related to our soon-to-be robot overlords. Here’s TLE’s guide to the most battery-powered fun you can have at the moment: BB-8 The must-buy gadget for spoilt Star Wars fans is no longer a light sabre, it’s now BB-8 - The Force Awakens new lovechild of R2-D2 and a high visibility football. £129 buys you your very own Force Awakens co-star droid controllable by voice or app. Sphere's BB-8  not...

Building the International Space Station

The International Space Station is an architectural feat and a cross-country collaboration like no other. Suspended approximately 400 kilometres above the Earth’s surface the habitable artificial satellite weighs almost 400 tonnes and required more than 40 missions to assemble. Space administrations from across the World joined to form the world's largest international cooperative programme in science and technology. As British Army Air Corps officer Tim Peake becomes the first British European Space Agency (Esa) astronaut to live on board the...

The Future of Tyre Technology

Most people, even those who follow what is happening in the automotive industry, consider car tyres as an afterthought, at best. People think that the last advancement in tyre technology was putting air in them, but in reality the tyre industry is a very live one and pretty much all of the tyre manufacturers have serious and well-funded R&D departments which are constantly coming up with upgrades and advancements that make their tyres safer, more fuel efficient and greener. As...

An Idiot’s Adventures In Gameland – Steve McNeil

27: Christmas - A Time For Reflection. And Whisky. Mostly Whisky. Hello, dear reader. This is going to be my last article until the new year, as I’m taking an extended break from work to remind myself what my wife looks like. Given it’s Christmas round the corner, it seemed appropriate to reflect on its relationship with gaming, and I honestly cannot remember a year where I didn’t receive a videogame. From beautifully boxed Dizzy collections on the Amstrad CPC 464,...

Room in Room Provides Innovative Solution to Winter Chill

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  A South Korean entrepreneur has created a room in a room as an innovative solution to the winter chill. The indoor tent is designed by inventors at iKamper and is aimed at combating high heating bills in the winter without leaving you shivering in the cold. Made of heat conserving and soft textile, tetron cotton, Room in Room circulates warm air around your bed and blocks cold air. With self-explanatory set up/pack up that takes...

In Defence Of Star Wars: Battlefront

Battlefront is getting a bit of a kicking. Actually it is getting pretty universally torn apart. The criticism is certainly warranted, it literally costs an arm and a leg (which might explain the flight controls) and there is about as much content as there are drag clubs in Saudi Arabia. Still, that being said it’s copping hefty criticism from all corners in the sort of mass ‘band-wagoning’ usually reserved for anything that smells or quacks like #gamergate. So, what is...

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