Have you got a video clip and want to know the top 10 ways to make money from video clips online? If you've taken funny, bizarre, shocking or amazing video footage on your phone or camera and were wondering how to make the most of it, here are the top 10 ways to make money from video clips online. SellUsYourVideo.com – Selling your video to the entire national press in one shot is the quickest way to get it to go...
Samsung's fortunes have fluctuated in recent times, with their quest to challenge and ultimately supersede market rivals Apple achieving mixed results. By 2014, for example, Samsung's profits were in decline, while the brand had been undermined by continued suggestions that they had cynically replicated the popular iPhone design. This all changed with the release of the Galaxy Alpha, however, which saw the introduction of solid metal frames and the type of elegant finishing that has now become a Samsung trademark....
London is often overlooked as a hub of automotive industry in this country. Besides the historic nature of our capital, our first-thought, perhaps understandably, is to the midlands and the north of England. If you look more closely however, you’ll find that London played a crucial role in elevating some primitive manufacturers into the biggest and most recognisable brands in the world. Chrysler Despite being one of America’s Big Three car manufacturers, Chrysler was reliant on London for its early...
A Doctor Who fanatic has built two full-size Daleks - in his garden shed. Sci-fi nut Ron Munns, 57, started the first about four years ago with a wooden frame around an old mobility scooter. He added a few Christmas decorations and electrical cables and painted it black then climbed inside to drive it back and forward. He followed that with a second improved red-coloured Dalek which is remotely controlled. Read "Couple turn their garden hedge into 8ft-tall Pac-Man" Click...
Today's best waste of time is watching tires rolled down a ski jump to see how high they will fly. Why? Science. And if you do it wearing a white lab coat - it definitely is science. You're welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f62Z8Ev9OXA
For the last few years android devices together with the development of numerous applications have changed the face of mobile technology. Long gone are the days where mobile phones were only limited to calling and texting. At present, mobile phones can compete with computers in almost every field such as gaming, internet and multimedia. Most people prefer using android devices because of various features including: Low costs High speed CPU Full touch support Large RAM size High camera quality Fast...
In today’s fast moving technological world, it can often be difficult to decide what’s best for your business and your employees when it comes to office and meeting room technology. With both Microsoft and Cisco coming out and developing devices that allow you and your employees to meet, chat and share at the swipe of a button it only confuses the situation as to which is better for your business. Businesses are now focusing on more unified communications (UC) as...
A legendary Brough motorbike which was capable of 125mph almost 90 years ago is set to sell for a world record £585,000. The Brough Superior SS100 is regarded as the most desirable thing on two wheels and the Rolls-Royce of motorcycles. This unique 1928 SS100 model dubbed the 'Moby Dick' and is even quicker than the standard model TE Lawrence was famously killed riding. It was fitted with a 1140cc engine specially tuned by George Brough and JA Prestwick to...
Technology has changed many things in past few years. One of these things is the classroom. In the previous era, students were primarily concerned about bringing their textbooks, notebooks, paper and pens in their backpacks. Now the most important items include the iPad, Smartphones, and the like. Technology really has become central in schools and their classrooms. Particularly, educators are allowing mobile devices like laptops and iPads in the classroom to assist in their learning. Since these devices are essentially...
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