Tech and Auto

Is it time to ditch the car for good?

If you find commuting by car stressful and expensive, or if you’re spending a fortune on tax and insurance but hardly using your four-wheeled friend, then maybe it’s time to give up the motor and make the most of the alternatives on offer. Stress in the city There’s no denying driving is the most stressful way to get to work. The newspapers might focus on the plight of rail passengers, but it’s car commuters who suffer the most. According to...

10 ways the iPhone pillaged the world

By James Fox  It's ten years since Apple first released the iPhone, which was to become the most successful products from the most profitable tech company ever. For many, including James Titcomb at the Telegraph, it will be a cause for reminiscing about how much harder it was to navigate an unfamiliar city, or of trying to remember a world without apps and threaded texts at our fingertips. Its worth remembering though, that the consequences of Apple and its products...

Understanding the Go Transcript App for Android users

Technological advancements have allowed mobile operating systems to support more features. Android users can now download an easy to use transcription app on their mobile devices. This mobile app from transcription services helps users record their notes, things to do, thoughts, or reminders on their mobile devices. The App is the perfect solution for college students who have numerous lectures and limited time to take notes. Journalists can also use this app to convert various audio files into written...

Affording your first car – why is research crucial?

 Few experiences are as exciting as gaining the keys to your first car. Passing the test is a real achievement (especially first time and, perhaps surprisingly, nearly 50% of drivers achieve this), just as passing a mortgage lender’s test or an important examination. However, the fun really begins when you come to choose your set of wheels, but it’s also a time when you can make big mistakes. Take a car that’s too expensive for your budget and you’ll struggle...

GAME’s Gameplan

  Traders have been dumping their shares in GAME after the video game retailer announced that its annual earnings for 31 July 2017 will be below expectations. Part of the blame has been directed at Nintendo due its limited supply of their Switch console which had been relied upon to boost revenue in the latter part of their financial year given the rocky start GAME experienced in the first financial quarter. This is not the first time that Nintendo has...

Watch – Hard-hitting simulated video captures horrific car crash

This hard-hitting simulated video captures the dramatic moment a teenage girl lying motionless after smashing through a car's windscreen. The young woman is thrown from her seat as the teen driver of the car she is travelling in loses control after getting distracted behind the wheel. Schoolchildren are being shown the harrowing computer-generated footage to highlight the importance of road safety. It was created as part of a police road safety campaign by Norfolk Constabulary. Watch Video Here

London couriers to get “cycling airbags”

London couriers are to get cycling airbags to improve safety. 'Absolutely', one of the oldest courier companies in the UK, has announced a new safety initiative in collaboration with 'Hövding', the airbag for cyclists in a first-of-its-kind partnership to make the booming London industry safer. With couriers spending up to ten hours a day cycling on the busy streets of London, safety is a clear priority. However, many professional couriers shun helmets because they are uncomfortable to wear for long periods...

First “real world test” of self-driving CargoPod delivering shopping to customers

The UK’s first trials of an autonomous CargoPod vehicle which delivers shopping to customers have taken place around the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The TRL-led GATEway Project together with Ocado Technology saw a self-driving delivery vehicle, called CargoPod, operating in a residential environment, delivering grocery orders to over one hundred customers. Taking place in the UK Smart Mobility Living Lab, the aim was to demonstrate the use of autonomous vehicles for ‘last mile’ deliveries and mobility, seamlessly connecting existing distribution...

Fitness trackers, fridges and baby monitors at risk of been hacked

Millions of people are at serious risk of been hacked and don’t know it – with fitness trackers, smart TVs and even children’s toys among the most vulnerable items, according to research. The full extent to which unscrupulous individuals can invade people’s privacy - and their home lives - through a few clicks of the mouse was revealed following a survey of 2,000 UK smart device owners. A third of respondents admit they have no idea if their smart tech is...

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