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How to get more Instagram followers and grow your business

In the last two years, Instagram has witnessed a surge in popularity all over the world. If you are present on Instagram for business purposes, you should know that the more followers your profile has, the more you are noticed and perceived as an authority. Of course, there are few other things that you should take into consideration. You should never assume that your business will see significantly more sales just because you have 3,000 Instagram followers. It is crucial to get the right users and do the best things that will help you get even more followers. Adding people randomly won’t work.

A Few Ways to Get More Instagram Followers

1. Don’t be selfish

Although you probably joined Instagram to grow your business, you should not make every post on Instagram with your business goals in mind. If you analyze the most successful Instagram business users, you will notice that none of them is focused on this. Obviously, you should use this popular platform to promote your products/services from time to time, but don’t talk about them all the time in every post you make.

2. Buy Instagram followers

Some people might consider this suggestion a little bit controversial, but the fact is that there is nothing wrong with this. As a matter of fact, this approach will benefit everyone – your business, Instagram users and Instagram itself. Namely, there are many places on the Internet where buying followers is one of the main services. If you are dealing with a truly professional supplier, you will get an opportunity to pick Instagram users that match your needs – they will come from a specific location and show interest in your niche. Remember to buy followers in this way from reputable and well-established sellers.

3. Be an authority

Let’s be clear – there are literally thousands of people online that have developed their own online business. That’s great because competition supports better quality. However, not every online business owner is the same and some of them are true authorities in specific fields. When you are sharing photos and videos on Instagram, try to share media that can help your followers understand how knowledgeable you are in this field. People love to work with experts and they don’t hesitate to contact experts when they need help.

4. Be active

Being active on Instagram means a few things. First of all, you should post somewhere between one or two posts a day. More than this can be considered spam and less can mean inactivity. Of course, if you have to choose it’s better to post less frequently than too frequently. Being active also means that you should answer your followers’ questions and reply to their comments. In this way, you will allow a more personal approach. This is something that every modern customer wants.

The number of Instagram users is growing and it would be a huge mistake for business owners of any kind to ignore this network.

Jess Young

Jess is a writer at the UK's largest independent press agency SWNS. She runs women's real-life magazine, as well as contributing articles and features to all of the major titles and digital publications.

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Tags: Instagram