
Cloud Gaming and Data Security: Balancing Convenience With User Privacy

According to a recent study, over 395.9 million people use these services in 2024. The number is expected to keep growing, making it an important sector in the video game industry.

That said, cloud gaming also comes with many security issues that are usually overlooked, especially potential data breaches. This leads to third parties having access to personal information. It’s highly recommended that players get informed and educate themselves on removing personal information  from the internet. It’s an important precautionary measure for anyone online—not just gamers.  

The Growing Popularity of Cloud Gaming Services

Cloud Gaming technology was first presented in 2003. However, the experience wasn’t that good due to the limited connectivity at the time.

It wasn’t until 2019 that this technology began to gain traction. At this time, Google launched Stadia, a cloud-only platform that allowed people to buy and play many popular games. Some titles included Final Fantasy XV and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Although Stadia didn’t succeed, it did open the doors for other companies to try these technologies. Nowadays, Xbox Game Pass and Nvidia GeForce Experience have become the de facto choice for anyone looking to play games via streaming.

Data Security Concerns in Cloud Gaming

Unlike movie streaming, Cloud Gaming constantly receives data from the player via controller inputs or voice chat. Users can also insert billing information to buy games or get a DLC. If the company’s server is unsafe, third parties looking to steal personal details or billing information could target it.

In some cases, the company providing the service could also end up sharing or selling their customers’ data. For example, Xbox shares the age and country of its players with other game developers.

Data Encryption and Secure Cloud Infrastructure

Although these scenarios look grim, there are ways to create a proper cloud infrastructure that protects the company and its customers. For example, data encryption can make the information illegible until properly decoded. This makes it useless for those without a proper key.

Another way to protect the network is micro-segmentation, which divides it into small zones. If someone tries to breach the servers, the company can easily cut the affected area. This helps to avoid harm to the rest of the servers.

Empowering Users With Data Control

Of course, none of these measures mean anything if customers don’t take action. Setting strong passwords or using two-factor authentication may seem like simple steps. But they can go a long way toward protecting an account from strangers.

Many hackers and scammers use personal details for social engineering. Gamers should always avoid giving information while playing, especially in a voice chat.

Those who want to go the extra mile can also contact a data removal service. These companies can erase the data from the servers, making it as if they were never there. 

Closing Off

Cloud Gaming is excellent for those looking to enjoy their favourite games wherever they are. However, like with any other online service, players must take precautions to avoid being targeted by malicious third parties.

Ben Williams

Ben is a freelance writer and journalist who is a regular contributor on multiple national news websites and blogs.

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