The good news is, once you reach the ripe old age of 50 plus, your car or van insurance should become cheaper. The obvious reason for this is that you are much more likely to have had many years of driving experience and you are much less likely to be involved in a road accident. You are also likely to have built up a healthy No Claims Bonus that will also help to keep the cost down. The not so...
Lamborghini donated the Huracan to the Catholic Church last year but there isn't much use for a 198mph supercar in the Vatican City
Buying your first car can be a daunting experience and is never something that should be done on a whim. It is an expensive purchase and it requires a lot of thought before you make a huge decision and hand over the cash. There are many things you should think about first. Here are ten things you should know before owning a car. Your budget This is the first step: figure out your budget. You may really want that expensive...
It has been over a year since the FCA auto-renewal bill changes came into force, but new research from MoneySuperMarket has revealed that UK motorists are still collectively wasting £652.5 million annually by allowing their motor insurance provider to automatically renew their policy. It’s an easy mistake to make, after all you spent all that time researching a decent car insurance provider last year, how much better could the deals get 365 days later? It turns out they could get...
The Ford Sierra RS500 Cosworth is regarded as one of the most iconic cars of the 1980s and the “holy grail” of ‘Fast Fords’.
Christine, B.A Baracus’s MC Vandura, DeLorean… Do you recognise them all? In honour of Steve Spielberg’s return to Sci-Fi, Fulton Leasing summaries the most iconic movie cars of all time as seen in Ready Player One’s homage. B. A. Baracus's MC Vandura - Type of Vehicle: GMC G-Series Special Features: Capable of numerous accidents, the gun storage cased containing Ruger AC556 automatic rifle with folding stock and flash hider firing 5.56x45mm NATO rounds Owned by master mechanic Sergeant Bosco B.A (Bad Attitude)...
Wouldn’t it be fantastic to get behind the wheel of, say, a Ferrari 360 or a Lamborghini Gallardo? Cruise along in an Aston Martin DB9 or a Bentley Continental GT? For petrol heads everywhere, supercars and exotic race cars are the stuff of dreams. Pushing the envelope in terms of styling and performance, these motoring beasts are so far removed from the ordinary car that you and I would drive that you simply can’t help but stand up and take...
As of late 2017, a new fine on pollutant vehicles has come into operation within the boundaries of the London Congestion Charge zone. Labelled the T-charge, the £10 fee is an addition to the existing £11.50 daily cost of driving through London, and aims to improve the capital’s air quality by reducing the number of higher-polluting vehicles driving through it. The charge is in operation between Monday and Friday from 7am to 6pm, and affects vehicles that do not meet...
Buying a new or used car in in London is hugely popular: figures show there are 2.6 million registered cars in the capital, with 54 per cent of London households owning at least one car. Buying a brand-new car often doesn’t make much financial sense when you consider that it loses value as soon as you drive it away from the dealership. So the second-hand car market is a natural starting point for many Londoners looking to buy a vehicle.... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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