Amstrad Industries, the famous tycoon’s business, was the first registered keeper of the 1998 Rolls-Royce Silver Seraph.
The car crooks used a scanner to intercept and copy the key's signal from outside the house in seconds
Russell Lord, 59, thinks the overall cost of making the bejeweled vehicle came to around £70,000
West Yorkshire traffic officers spotted the HGV with the fizzy water bottle on the M62 motorway near Bradford, West Yorks., yesterday afternoon
The Mini Cooper S was one of the icons of the Swinging Sixties - but this 1965 model is a tired-looking car after being left to rot
It is the secret to its epic annual trek when around 1.5 million of them migrate across Africa in search of grazing and water
The pair are travelling Europe in the old Hovis truck.
Firefighters tackled the blaze after the supercar exploded in a car park
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