Residents were bemused when they noticed a rusty old pole being replaced by a brand new bus stop complete with a roof and seats
Matt Everard purchased the three-wheeled 'Bangkok taxi' in a drunken stupor five months ago and has since spent £20,000 on renovations
The brilliant Mark II model has barely been altered since leaving the factory way back in 1936 and hasn't hit the road since entering storage in the early 1970s
Debra Anne Brown, 56, attempted to avoid detection by installing the device, which blocks camera signals used to monitor how fast cars are travelling
Sean Hayden, 24, aimed a blank-firing starting pistol at Neil Baldwin as Mr Baldwin was overtaking near junction 2 of the M42 near Redditch, Worcs., on May 19 last year
Andrew Borny spotted the van hanging over the wall in La collette, Jersey
Trevor Caldicott was mown down by a VW Passat as he crossed the road
Graham Allen was almost double the limit when he bashed into 14 cars after downing booze with friends.
Helen Dryden, 25, says she got so drunk with friends in London she accidentally ordered a taxi to Newcastle - before falling asleep and waking up 150 miles from home – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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