Katherine Fowler, 36, failed a roadside breath test after being pulled over as she went to collect her children from school.
Footage shows William Deadman, 41, stopping his car, which appears to be a Mercedes E-Class, and abandoning it across two lanes on the busy A14
Jamil Khan, 35, rolled his car in Birmingham after reaching 90mph as he tried to outrun police who had spotted him illegally racing.
A sign on the wall of the bus shelter claims it has been decorated using only gifted or recycled materials
Ben Williams, 34, was left stranded at the roadside when his "pride of joy" classic car he was driving broke down in the while he was on his way to a pub.
Beds, Cambs and Hert road policing unit took to Twitter to share a photo of the wacky car before confirming that it was all in order.
No ticket was issued as the car was stationary but the driver was asked to move along by a trooper in the US state of Washington.
The DB5 came complete with machine guns, tire-slashers, bullet proof screen, radar, oil slick, smoke screen and an ejector seat
The legendary muscle car was used in one of the greatest chase scenes in cinematic history and is estimated to make a cool $2 million
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