
Couple who visited supermarket car park left note saying: “parent parking no just cos you fat!! Lazy cow”

A couple who visited a supermarket car park were left a note saying: “parent parking no just cos you fat!! Lazy cow”.

Ayesha Chambers, 25, did some shopping with her partner Fran and ten-month-old son Freddie at the Tesco Extra in Cirencester., Glos.

But when they got home they saw a note written on a piece of cardboard had been wedged under their car’s windscreen wiper.

It read: “Parent parking no just cos you fat!! Lazy cow!”

Miss Chambers said: “We both read it and looked at each other and said, ‘But we had Freddie with us, so what was that about?’

“If we had parked there without a child I would have accepted being called a cow for using parent parking, but we had Freddie there.

“My partner was very quiet and it really offended her. I was so mad.”

She posted about the incident on the Facebook group ‘Cirencester, A Local Town For Local People’, writing: “Faith in humanity has yet to be restored.”

This sparked dozens of comments sympathising with the couple and criticising the “disgraceful” note, as well as its “terrible grammar”.

by Conor Gogarty


This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by SWNS news agency.

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