
Banned driver three times over the limit crashed his car twice after stopping off for a kebab

A hungry banned driver three times over the limit crashed his car twice after stopping off for a kebab and then trying to out run the police.

Valentine Mitjajev, 33, was spotted leaving the fast food shop by cops after the 999 operator was called over fears he may be drunk on the evening of January 8.

As officers approached the top of the range black Mercedes S350 Mitjajev slammed it into reverse and crashed into the parked car behind.

He then sped off and following a short chase lost control and crashed into the railings and sign near the entrance to Alexandra Park in Hastings.

He ran off and after a search he was found with both hands down his trousers.

When ordered to show his hands, he lunged at the officer and assaulted him.

He ran off again, but was swiftly arrested by other officers who had been called as back up.

The unemployed thug was charged with drink driving after failing a breathalyser test having 113mcg of alcohol per 100ml breath when the legal limit is 35/100.

He was also charged with assaulting a police officer and driving while banned and without insurance.

He was jailed for a total of 15 months and again banned for over 43 months on his release at Lewes Crown Court earlier this month.

He was also ordered to pay a £140 victim surcharge.

By Tony Whitfield


This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by SWNS news agency.

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