Wes Streeting accuses the NHS of being ‘addicted to overspending’
"There's the assumption that someone will come along to bail them out."
"There's the assumption that someone will come along to bail them out."
The figure had been a key pledge in their election manifesto.
The health secretary has been accused of “bullying and uncomradely behaviour”.
The name-and-shame ranking system was branded "nasty, simplistic and retrograde" by Dr Rachel Clarke.
The health secretary also personally responded to the person who suggested he gets fired out of a cannon to raise money for the NHS.
Suggestions submitted to the NHS 'Change' website include harnessing the passive aggressive energy of GP receptionists and replacing ambulance sirens with healthy eating advice.
Wes Streeting was forced to explain to Laura Kuenssberg why Labour has not cleared up a 14-year mess within three months.
One person compared the move to the US in 2014 where a series of scandals broke out about pharma companies doing phase one drug testing on homeless people.
The Health Secretary said the investigation will be led by former health minister Lord Ara Darzi.
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