Jeremy Corbyn tells Keir Starmer to stop ‘paving the way’ for Reform amid welfare cuts
The former Labour leader has called for a wealth tax on those with assets over £10m.
The former Labour leader has called for a wealth tax on those with assets over £10m.
Stevenson has been widely praised for his appearance on Question Time.
The proposed wealth tax would, apparently, only impact 1,800 across France - yet serve to raise at least €15 billion annually.
Genuinely so refreshing to hear a British-based billionaire speak about the 'patriotic' benefits of paying their taxes.
Unite claim their 'emergency wealth tax' policy would raise £25 billion, and only apply to assets starting from over £4 million.
Another strong case for a wealth tax has been made by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall - and he wants to pay more money.
Is a wealth tax needed to rebuild a 'crumbling' Britain? Caroline Lucas says so - and many in the Question Time audience agree with her.
Those hoping for a meaningful redistribution of wealth under a Labour Government will be left wanting, it seems.
"We can afford to contribute more," a group of 30 millionaires told the Chancellor. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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