Watch: Erdoğan makes Putin wait in excruciating moment ahead of talks
“Those 50 seconds that Erdoğan made Putin wait, looking frazzled in front of cameras say plenty of how much has changed after Ukraine."
“Those 50 seconds that Erdoğan made Putin wait, looking frazzled in front of cameras say plenty of how much has changed after Ukraine."
"Bernie Ecclestone was the most infuriating, embarrassing, cringeworthy interview I’ve seen. How was the fool allowed airtime?"
It comes as Russia was forced to pull back its forces from the strategically placed Snake Island in a humiliating blow.
In 2019, the British billionaire said he felt the Russian president should be "running Europe".
The invasion of Ukraine is the ‘perfect example of toxic masculinity’, the Prime Minister said.
A former close confidante of the Russian President now believes the invasion is running out of steam - and Vladimir Putin 'knows it'.
The Foreign Office announced travel bans and asset freezes against Katerina Vladimirovna Tikhonova and Maria Vladimirovna Vorontsova.
It comes as 63 Republicans - most of them allies of the former US president - voted against a resolution expressing support for NATO in Congress.
It is also claimed he is 'constantly' accompanied by a doctor specialising in thyroid cancer. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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