Putin says Russia is at war with the West in annual address to the nation
‘It’s they who have started the war and we are using force to end it,’ Mr Putin said in a speech broadcast by all Russian state TV channels.
‘It’s they who have started the war and we are using force to end it,’ Mr Putin said in a speech broadcast by all Russian state TV channels.
The official dispatch raises doubts over the accuracy of Johnson's recollections.
The former prime minister alleged that the Russian President appeared to threaten him in the days before Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.
The Russian president reportedly told Boris Johnson ‘I don’t want to hurt you, but with a missile, it would only take a minute’.
The former PM quickly corrected himself, saying he meant Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.
Russian president Vladimir Putin said he was "not bluffing" as he issued a threat to use nuclear weapons to protect his country.
The Russian president claimed he is in "no rush" to take the Donbas region, adding that only volunteer soldiers were deployed to fight in Ukraine.
"If only!", one person said in response.
He had been critical of Russia's war with Ukraine, with the Lukoil board recently calling for the conflict to end as soon as possible.
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