Elevenses: The Fallacy of Hope
From the newsletter: As war in Ukraine enters its fourth week, is there any prospect of resolution?
From the newsletter: As war in Ukraine enters its fourth week, is there any prospect of resolution?
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky cited Pearl Harbour and the terror attacks of September 11 2001 as he appealed to the US Congress to do more to help Ukraine’s fight.
"It is hard to believe, Susanna and Richard, that this is 2022," Rinder said.
Michael Gove said he was "glad the website crashed" after being launched because it showed the "generosity of the British people.”
There is “a great deal of uncertainty” and confusion which is proving very difficult for people who are already exhausted.
Vadym Prystaiko told MPs there have been no end of "bureaucratic hassles" for years for his fellow citizens coming to the UK.
"What's really atrocious is if you phone the visa help line, or even the escalated visa line, it just says they are busy on a recorded message and ignores you."
“When I see vulnerable people, I always feel that my pot of money can do more for them than it can for me, so it’s better spent on them.It’s purely about helping fellow human beings.'
The UK government has found itself "somewhere between Orwellian and Kafkaesque", Liverpool Echo reporter Liam Thorp said.
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