Russia-Ukraine: ‘This is a moment of extreme danger for the world’, Boris warns
Johnson said “we are now staring at a generation of bloodshed and misery”.
Johnson said “we are now staring at a generation of bloodshed and misery”.
"Ukraine's peril isn't fodder for your culture war on people you decided are less equipped to handle war than you baselessly fantasize you are."
Daniel Williams, 45, said it would take Russian ‘hardware’ crossing the border into Ukraine for most people to leave their homes.
Russia's foreign minister vowed Moscow would respond to any action taken by London.
“We are ready to respond decisively to a Russian attack on Ukraine, which is still very much a possibility," the US president said.
Truss warned that a Russian invasion of Ukraine would be a “very dangerous moment” for the entire world.
The defence ministry said some military units had "accomplished their missions" and were heading home.
Images of Valentyna Konstantynovska, 79, appeared across western media today, much to the bemusement of sources closer to the ground.
"So no break from the pandemic just straight to World War III," wrote one person on Twitter. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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