Oil prices soar, rouble plummets and Ukraine closes skies to civil aircraft following invasion
Attacks were reported across Ukraine from around 3am, including in several western cities, close to the border with Poland.
Attacks were reported across Ukraine from around 3am, including in several western cities, close to the border with Poland.
Denouncing UK sanctions, Daria Kaleniuk said: "Putin is attacking my country, so I beg you to stand up for Ukraine."
Vladimir Putin said other countries attempts to interfere with the Russian action would result in “consequences they have never seen”.
The movement was described by organisers as a “cry for peace”.
“If you have not seen it yet, you will enjoy this. Trust me," a journalism tutor has said.
"If you're gonna listen to any speech about #Ukraine 🇺🇦, let it be this one."
The only way beyond military action - to damage Putin, Putinism and Putin’s cronies, is to get them off their multi million dollar yachts in the Med and out of their multi-million pound apartments in London.
So far PM has hits five banks & three Putin ‘cronies’ with sanctions, so it's doubtful that's putting the Russian leader off too much..
The plane departed from Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.
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