Unions hail Angela Rayner’s workers’ rights reforms to stop ‘corporate bullyboys’
"These common-sense reforms will improve the quality of jobs in this country"
"These common-sense reforms will improve the quality of jobs in this country"
Paul Nowak, general secretary of the TUC, will call for a government that ‘respects’ headteachers.
Matt Wrack said he is taking up the role at a decisive moment for unions following the wave of strikes.
"Rampant inequalities are the direct result of a broken Tory economic model that rewards wealth not work."
It comes as rail workers continue a 48 hour strike, with more stoppages planned this month in the transport industry, NHS and civil service.
The union organisation said there is no evidence of a ‘pay premium’ and that almost one-third of night-workers earn less than £10 an hour.
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