Trump signs executive order banning transgender women from female sports
He signed the order surrounded by young children.
He signed the order surrounded by young children.
"This is a government that functions purely on its own twisted, warped, wretched ideology, which is all about demonisation and hate."
"If you tell a lie often enough then some people do start to believe it, and that is the tactic that the Tories are pushing."
The Government has been told that amending the definition of sex could make the law on women-only spaces clearer.
Campaigners vocalised their concerns over the Labour leader's apparent silence on the brutal killing of the trans girl.
There's no doubt Piers Morgan has been called this word before - but a trans rights activist dropped the C-bomb during a LIVE interview.
It would appear Tony Blair doesn't fully endorse Keir Starmer's opinions on trans women - after the Labour leader drew a line in the sand.
Lily Cade - who featured prominently in a controversial recent BBC article - called for trans women to be lynched.
The Canterbury MP reportedly has no plans to cross the floor, claiming to be "Labour through and through". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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