Tag: Theresa May

In defence of Caitlin Moran: don’t be a c**t

As people queued up to vote yesterday, The Times columnist Caitlin Moran sent Twitter into a mini meltdown by tweeting: “Obviously there’s a more nuanced take on this, but, broadly, voting for Labour = not being a cunt.” As many of her followers retweeted her election day exhortation, others predictably chose to put ...

Theresa May’s Call For A Snap Election Hypocrisy-Checked In Full

A vicar's daughter exuding sincerity and humility, understandably, the nation trusts Theresa May above all others to steer us through the chaotic divorce from the EU that she warned against, but now believes in whole-heartedly. And we also trust her fully now she has announced she needs even more of that ...

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