Watch: Children’s Minister slammed over UC and UK’s free press
"You took away £1,000 a year from people on Universal Credit,how can you say you're helping?" asked Susanna Reid.
"You took away £1,000 a year from people on Universal Credit,how can you say you're helping?" asked Susanna Reid.
The Tory MP described the affair which engulfed Boris Johnson’s government as “fundamentally trivial” at a fringe event in Blackpool.
"So Gillian Keegan doesn’t know how many have left but can absolutely guarantee all the vacancies have been filled... how does that work?" one person asked.
“It’s just that there’s a couple of things that James Cleverly said about emissions and about the economy and when they’ve been said in the House of Commons they’ve been challenged by Peter Stefanovic so I’d just like to point you in that direction online," ITV's Good Morning Britain presenter ... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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