Tory government not very good at doing commercial deals (again)
How one company managed to secure a £15.3 million deal and 155 per cent profit margin thanks to a poorly brokered Home Office deal.
How one company managed to secure a £15.3 million deal and 155 per cent profit margin thanks to a poorly brokered Home Office deal.
Suella Braverman has told police chiefs the ‘full force of the law’ should be used to prevent harassment of the UK’s Jewish community.
"Literally the only person who could make you want to bring back Priti Patel..."
It comes after the home secretary declared that multiculturalism had failed in the UK ahead of the Tory Party Conference.
"This is a government that functions purely on its own twisted, warped, wretched ideology, which is all about demonisation and hate."
"Don't dare attack my city and try to use Leicester as a pawn in your game to become the next Tory leader".
'Long-term decisions for a brighter future'
The Defence Secretary said Ms Braverman was ‘absolutely correct’ to warn about the scale of global movement of people.
Ms Braverman also faced heckles during her speech from Conservative London Assembly member Andrew Boff, who took umbrage with her allusion to the “poison” of “gender ideology”. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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