Far-right ‘galvanised’ by Braverman’s remarks, ex-cop tells TLE
The home secretary has been criticised for fabricating the ‘bogus belief’ that people going on a peace march hold the Cenotaph ‘in contempt'.
The home secretary has been criticised for fabricating the ‘bogus belief’ that people going on a peace march hold the Cenotaph ‘in contempt'.
"The fact that she was prepared to compromise the safety of officers will be regarded as a betrayal not to be forgiven", Chris Hobbs said.
'I’m not one to mince words at the best of times, but well, brace yourself.'
"We have reached the point that the ambitions of Government ministers are centred in behaving badly to get sacked in hopes of furthering their career", Liz Webster said.
Critical voices from Labour. have showered Suella Braverman with shame this morning, and Yvette Cooper held nothing back
The Commons Leader defended the Government’s record on tackling homelessness.
With very few Tories willing to publicly support Suella Braverman this morning, the void was filled by critical voices from Labour.
The LBC presenter criticised the home secretary for fabricating the 'bogus belief' that people going on a peace march hold the Cenotaph 'in contempt.'
Braverman claimed officers were reluctant to intervene because of the ‘flak’ they would get.
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