Braverman expected to defect to Reform because ‘she has no mates and has pissed off the gays’ – reports
"She has no chance of being leader and she thinks she is bigger than she is so what is there left for her?”
"She has no chance of being leader and she thinks she is bigger than she is so what is there left for her?”
The two potential rivals for the Tory leadership have traded barbs ahead of the race to replace Rishi Sunak.
The former home secretary told the National Conservatism conference in Washington the party had taken a ‘good hiding’.
The Reform UK leader said he admired former home secretary Suella Braverman, but the Tories’ immigration record was ‘certainly not our policy’.
Farage is now the most popular choice to take over from Rishi Sunak as Conservative leader, and one of the few candidates backed to win a seat at the election.
Suella Braverman missed a crucial vote in the House of Commons to attend the event in Belgium, which was shut down by police.
Belgian authorities ordered the National Conservatism conference to close due to concerns about public safety.
The former minister also ruled herself out of a Tory leadership bid and said she did not envy Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
During a visit to the country, Ms Braverman claimed that Israel is going ‘above and beyond’ to ensure the safety of civilians. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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