Braverman considered posing as a caller during a phone-in to defend her own policies
She said she thought about calling into a radio show as Margaret from Fareham to big up the home secretary.
She said she thought about calling into a radio show as Margaret from Fareham to big up the home secretary.
The move could undermine the rule of law, a former top judge has warned.
Tory MPs, peers and activists have accused Braverman of inflaming racial tensions for the sake of her own leadership ambitions.
The Tory peer said her party needs to make it clear that ‘racist rhetoric and rabble rousing’ is not going to be a strategy.
'I am calling her rhetoric racist, I am', Tory peer Baroness Sayeeda Warsi said.
A source close to the Home Secretary said her unhappiness at the incident had been passed on to the force.
Constituency boundary changes meant the Home Secretary had to go up against a fellow Tory MP to represent the new seat at the next election.
Braverman is due to face fellow Conservative Flick Drummond in a party vote on Wednesday as the two contest selection.
The UK has one of the highest rates of child sexual abuse in the world. Braverman has just gotten around to opening a public consultation. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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