Reform celebrates latest defector but this comment puts it in perspective
Braverman joins Dame Andrea Jenkyns and Conservative Home founder Tim Montgomerie in making the move to the right-wing outfit.
Braverman joins Dame Andrea Jenkyns and Conservative Home founder Tim Montgomerie in making the move to the right-wing outfit.
The former home secretary said the Tories should not be ‘hounding out’ people ‘who want to stand up for our flag and our faith’.
She said the party "doesn't want to hear the truth" as to why it lost the election.
It came after the former home secretary said the party could do better than being ‘a collection of fanatical, irrelevant, centrist cranks’.
Suella Braverman is polling so badly in the Conservative leadership race, it has caused many to speculate about a possible defection.
"She has no chance of being leader and she thinks she is bigger than she is so what is there left for her?”
The two potential rivals for the Tory leadership have traded barbs ahead of the race to replace Rishi Sunak.
The former home secretary told the National Conservatism conference in Washington the party had taken a ‘good hiding’.
The Reform UK leader said he admired former home secretary Suella Braverman, but the Tories’ immigration record was ‘certainly not our policy’. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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