Spain’s economy is ‘booming thanks to migration’
"Spain stands as a model for how migration can energise an economy and a society."
"Spain stands as a model for how migration can energise an economy and a society."
Barcelona has adopted a new set of smoking fines - in line with other parts of Spain - which heavily punish those who spark-up on the sand.
"We spent £20,000 on a conversion. Now we wonder if it was worth it," he said.
Huge plumes of black-and-white smoke shot out from a point in the volcanic ridge where scientists had been closely following the accumulation of molten lava below the surface.
“It’s scary stuff when you consider that British applicants might have sold up in the UK to buy their dream home here, shipped all their furniture and belongings over and their pets - what do they do?” a representative for British immigrants in Spain said.
They 'got Brexit done' but are still complaining about sovereignty - go figure!
“Spain are really shewting themselves in the foot," one Brexiteer said.
Unwary British holidaymakers are falling foul of Spain’s one year time limit for injury claim compensation. The country’s one year limit sits in stark contrast to other parts of Europe, such as France, where some claims can be filed up to 10 years after an accident. The latest figures provided ... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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