Right-wingers in total meltdown over new Overground line names
People are refusing to travel on some lines because they are "too woke", which could lead to some interesting conversations at work.
People are refusing to travel on some lines because they are "too woke", which could lead to some interesting conversations at work.
"The general election is going to be horrible."
Sadiq Khan says that it is "now obvious that Brexit isn't working" - blaming the "hard-line Brexit we've ended up with"
"This shows what can be achieved by engaging with trade unions and transport staff rather then working against them."
Khan's predecessor, Boris Johnson, had committed to the UK remaining part of Erasmus during the Brexit negotiations.
"What I really want to see is a much more radical alternative to this government" he said in a thinly-veiled swipe at Labour.
The London Mayor was joined by the Scottish Labour leader in demanding an end to the conflict.
Senior Tory Nusrat Ghani criticised Susan Hall’s claims, which were also rejected by the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
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