Taxpayer forced to fork out £160k for Cleverly’s one-night jaunt to Rwanda
"This Government's enthusiasm for wasting taxpayers' money knows no bounds."
"This Government's enthusiasm for wasting taxpayers' money knows no bounds."
“The amount money the government have wasted on the Rwanda plan so far is the equivalent of 5.7 million GP appointments"
"It does seem to me... the British public is actually kinder and more concerned than this government. So this government doesn't represent the public anymore", Baroness Jenny Jones said.
"Rwanda is not safe. Rwanda is exactly like Russia."
Here's the full list of the MPs who voted down the crucial Lords amendment.
The Rwanda Bill is set for a parliamentary showdown as Rishi Sunak eyes flights to east Africa this spring.
The Prime Minister said he was sticking to his timeline for the Rwanda scheme despite the prospect of a parliamentary battle.
Looks like the well-connected people who provided PPE to the NHS also provide services for the removal of asylum seekers.
"The only winner from this scheme appears to be the Rwandan government itself, which has already secured hundreds of millions without doing much at all.” – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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