Tories spent £715m trying to send asylum seekers to Rwanda
"For the British taxpayer, it was a grotesque waste of money", Yvette Cooper said.
"For the British taxpayer, it was a grotesque waste of money", Yvette Cooper said.
It cost UK taxpayers £165,561 to fly Cleverly and his entourage to Kigali to sign a deportation deal that never deported a single person.
200 failed asylum seekers have already been flown to Brazil in what marks the largest single British deportation on record.
Attempts to pull up the drawbridge have had the opposite intended effect. Now, its architects are doubling down.
Yvette Cooper branded it the “most shocking waste of taxpayer money I have ever seen".
The country’s long-time ruler is looking to extend his three-decade grip on power.
The Prime Minister said he was ‘not prepared to continue with gimmicks’ as he confirmed the multimillion-pound scheme has been scrapped.
Duncan Lewis Solicitors said the detainees had been granted immigration bail in the wake of court hearings.
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