Human cost of a Russian invasion of Ukraine would be ‘immense’, Biden warns
“We are ready to respond decisively to a Russian attack on Ukraine, which is still very much a possibility," the US president said.
“We are ready to respond decisively to a Russian attack on Ukraine, which is still very much a possibility," the US president said.
Truss warned that a Russian invasion of Ukraine would be a “very dangerous moment” for the entire world.
Britain looks "like a laughing stock" because it has not responded to "the threat of economic crime", Lord Faulks said.
The defence ministry said some military units had "accomplished their missions" and were heading home.
"The saying that there are no dumb questions doesn't hold here”, one person commented in response.
"That is why this is a very serious time for the whole world, really, to come together," he said.
“It’s like they’re listening to us but not hearing,” Russia's foreign secretary has complained.
The Lib Dems have urged Boris Johnson’s government to close a loophole which peers fear would let illegal cash from Russia and other parts of the world into the UK.
According to the American officials, Russia may want between 110,000-150,000 troops for a full-scale invasion, a level which could be reached in the next two weeks. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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