Passenger plane writes ‘Relax’ near Ukraine’s border amid Russia tensions
The plane departed from Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.
The plane departed from Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.
Johnson said “we are now staring at a generation of bloodshed and misery”.
He urged prime minister Boris Johnson to oppose the EU as much as he opposes Russia’s treatment of Ukraine.
It comes following a 2018 report that accused ministers of risking national security by “turning a blind eye” to the Russian “dirty money” flowing through London.
Campaigner Peter Stefanovic said the Tories were misrepresenting the findings of the bombshell Russia report.
Russia's foreign minister vowed Moscow would respond to any action taken by London.
“We are ready to respond decisively to a Russian attack on Ukraine, which is still very much a possibility," the US president said.
Truss warned that a Russian invasion of Ukraine would be a “very dangerous moment” for the entire world.
Britain looks "like a laughing stock" because it has not responded to "the threat of economic crime", Lord Faulks said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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