‘Here is why I’m freaking out’ – Russian foreign policy academic’s thread makes for grim reading
"Watching Putin's speech right now I no longer think there will be meaningful de-escalation," she said.
"Watching Putin's speech right now I no longer think there will be meaningful de-escalation," she said.
The movement was described by organisers as a “cry for peace”.
Labour former minister Chris Byrant tried to ask the PM to correct the record in Parliament yesterday - but he walked out.
War in Europe beckons, so obviously the British press is writing deranged fan fiction about an imaginary Corbyn premiership.
"Putin declares a big portion of Ukraine as independent. That's wonderful. How smart is that? This is genius."
The sanctions suggest the Government "cares more about protecting Tory party donations and London’s laundromat", Caroline Lucas said.
“If you have not seen it yet, you will enjoy this. Trust me," a journalism tutor has said.
The Leave.EU founder claimed Brussels had "stoked the fire burning in Eastern Ukraine".
“Not so much GB News as KGB News,” one Twitter user joked.
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