Watch: Boris Johnson chuckles as Sunak talks about Ukrainians huddled up in basements
The prime minister was seen smirking and making a face at one of the MPs across from him inside the house.
The prime minister was seen smirking and making a face at one of the MPs across from him inside the house.
And why, in the same breath, I feel deeply uncomfortable about it.
“With this situation, please, no comparison.”
Mariupol officials said on March 15 that at least 2,300 people had died in the siege, with some buried in mass graves.
Seven-year-old Amellia Anisovych fled war-torn Ukraine with her siblings, while her parents stayed behind.
“I'm afraid we are not going to be helping to shape the agenda with our EU counterparts."
“It's a sad indictment of our times," one person said in response to the confession.
“Unless urgent steps are taken to address this, we will see very small numbers of people taking up this offer and a lot of the public’s generosity squandered," the Labour shadow secretary said.
“Now is the time to end the culture of self-doubt, the constant self-questioning and introspection, the ludicrous debates about language, statues and pronouns," she said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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