Ukraine will restore ‘complete territorial integrity by spring 2023’
Andrei Piontkovsky said the Ukrainian army and the nation as a whole has the "motivation, determination and courage" to see it through.
Andrei Piontkovsky said the Ukrainian army and the nation as a whole has the "motivation, determination and courage" to see it through.
"We’re seeing a kind of a reduced tempo already of the conflict", Avril Haines said.
“It’s kind of like when I play the piano. The notes individually sound perfectly OK, but they’re not in the right order, or occurring at the right time", he said.
"Had we been a member of the European Union in February we would not have been able to set a framework to allow Ukraine to be so successful."
“For the first time in many months, I wasn’t scared to come into the city", one jubilant resident said after Ukrainian forces moved back in.
Ukrainian officials have warned for weeks that any announcement of a Russian retreat should be treated sceptically.
The PM is expected to head out "very soon".
It comes after Vladimir Putin attempted to cut off grain supplies to parts of the world struggling with hunger.
Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitchko reported explosions in the city’s Shevchenko district of the Ukrainian capital. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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